20 English Words For Competitive Exams Synonyms and Antonyms

Understanding English words for competitive exams is very important to excel in the exams. Below are given 20 English words for competitive exams with synonyms and antonyms. Learn the following English words with their meanings and enhance your exam preparation.

  • Abate - To become less in amount or intensity. 

  • Synonyms: diminish, decrease, lessen. 

  • Antonyms: increase, intensify, augment.

  • Admonish - To warn or reprimand someone firmly. 

  • Synonyms: scold, reprimand, chide. 

  • Antonyms: praise, applaud, encourage.

  • Alacrity - Brisk and cheerful readiness. 

  • Synonyms: eagerness, willingness, promptness. 

  • Antonyms: reluctance, hesitancy, unwillingness.

  • Arduous - Involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring. 

  • Synonyms: challenging, laborious, strenuous. 

  • Antonyms: easy, effortless, simple.

  • Augment - To make something greater by adding to it. 

  • Synonyms: increase, enhance, amplify. 

  • Antonyms: decrease, diminish, reduce.

  • Austere - Severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance. 

  • Synonyms: stern, harsh, strict. 

  • Antonyms: lenient, indulgent, mild.

  • Avarice - Extreme greed for wealth or material gain. 

  • Synonyms: greed, cupidity, covetousness. 

  • Antonyms: generosity, selflessness, philanthropy.

  • Banal - Lacking in originality; boring and unoriginal. 

  • Synonyms: trite, hackneyed, clichéd. 

  • Antonyms: original, fresh, innovative.

  • Bellicose - Demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight. 

  • Synonyms: aggressive, combative, hostile. 

  • Antonyms: pacifist, peaceful, nonviolent.

  • Bombastic - High-sounding but with little meaning; inflated. 

  • Synonyms: grandiose, pompous, pretentious. 

  • Antonyms: simple, plain, unadorned.

  • Capricious - Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior. 

  • Synonyms: impulsive, whimsical, fickle. 

  • Antonyms: predictable, constant, reliable.

  • Cogent - Clear, logical, and convincing. 

  • Synonyms: persuasive, compelling, conclusive. 

  • Antonyms: unconvincing, weak, ineffective.

  • Colloquial - Used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary. 

  • Synonyms: informal, conversational, casual. 

  • Antonyms: formal, literary, technical.

  • Conjecture - An opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information. 

  • Synonyms: speculation, guess, hypothesis. 

  • Antonyms: fact, reality, truth.

  • Cryptic - Having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure. 

  • Synonyms: enigmatic, obscure, mysterious. 

  • Antonyms: clear, obvious, straightforward.

  • Cursory - Hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed. 

  • Synonyms: superficial, perfunctory, sketchy. 

  • Antonyms: thorough, detailed, meticulous.

  • Debacle - A sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco. 

  • Synonyms: disaster, calamity, fiasco. 

  • Antonyms: success, victory, triumph.

  • Decry - To publicly denounce or criticize. 

  • Synonyms: condemn, censure, denounce. 

  • Antonyms: praise, applaud, commend.

  • Diligent - Having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties. 

  • Synonyms: industrious, hardworking, assiduous. 

  • Antonyms: lazy, negligent, idle.

  • Disparage - To belittle or criticize someone or something. 

  • Synonyms: demean, denigrate, detract. 

  • Antonyms: praise, extol, acclaim.

  • Eccentric - Unconventional and slightly strange. 

  • Synonyms: quirky, peculiar, odd. 

  • Antonyms: conventional, normal, typical.


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